Pregnancy Pillows for all stages of your pregnancy

1 year ago

Considering Pregnancy?
Commencing Spinal Flow® sessions to prepare for pregnancy provides a healthy foundation.
If your body has been in prolonged stress, trauma, overloaded with chemical stress, you may not feel comfortable bringing new life into the world or you may be having some challenges falling pregnant.
Spinal Flow® sessions help to return your body back into the Parasympathetic healing state which may help assist you to conceive.
Infertility / Conception
👼The secret to healing infertility can often be found in the SPINE - the joy of assisting many clients to heal and enjoy a healthy pregnancy using the Spinal Flow® Technique 🤰
Whether you or someone you know is suffering from miscarriages, hormonal imbalances or infertility, the nervous system may be the first place to check 🌿
🤰Having difficulty getting pregnant?
The health of your nervous system determines the health of your reproductive system. Unprocessed stress from our busy lives can get stored in our bodies creating blockages in the nerves that supply vital information to our reproductive system.
Blockages can be caused from physical, emotional and chemical stress. There is so much stress all around us in the world.
When our life is stuck, hard and rigid, often this reflects our life too. What we want to create is flexibility in our nervous system so we have good health.
When the nervous system is conducting Life Force Energy without interference, better health is spontaneous.
Pregnancy can come with all sorts of unexpected symptoms as your body changes to support your growing baby.
Your ligaments become more flexible, but at the same time you’re carrying up to 14 extra kilograms around your midsection, which can put unexpected strain on all of your movements.
It’s important to support your nervous system during this time of great change.
The Spinal Flow® Technique helps your nervous system connect to the flow of Life Force Energy, which in turn will create a restful, nourishing environment for your growing baby.
Spinal Flow® sessions to babies have such fast and quick results.
When we connect their nervous system to the brain we release spinal blockages and release any trauma from birth.
When we work on babies using Spinal Flow® Technique, we notice changes to issues like colic, reflux, ear infections, difficulty feeding, (breastfeeding), turning their head, eczema, settling issues, sleep issues, irritability and digestive issues.
Post birth, Spinal Flow® healing is extremely beneficial for faster physical and emotional recovery, especially to promote efficient pelvic contraction. A common cause of future back pain is the inflammation caused by the compounding of tiny tears in the microfibres of ligaments as women repetitively bend and move while pelvic ligaments are still so elastic.

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