Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns News

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U.S. Study: Radioactive Xenon-133 in Washington was 450,000 times above detection levels after Fukushima "Persisted for weeks"

Study: Rain with 20,000,000 particles of radioactive iodine-131 per liter fell on USA during post-Fukushima peak

Canada suspends mobile radiation measurements around Vancouver, BC "until further notice " as radioactive cloud looms

Official Report: West coast hit with 220,000,000 atoms per liter of iodine-129 in rain after Fukushima - 15 million years half life detected in drinking water to large number of people

Radioactive Iodine-131 in Pennsylvania rainwater sample over 3,000% of federal drinking water standard

U.S. gov't model of Cesium-137 particles covering Northern Hemisphere

Radioactive Iodine-131 in rainwater sample near San Francisco 18,000% above drinking water standard

Nuclear Expert: Worst case scenario was abandoning Tokyo forever not only evacuating

Japan Prime Minster to study setting up " alternative capital " away from Tokyo

Post-Fukushima Report: Concern over Plutonium and Uranium being deposited and re-concentrating far away- Isotopes transfer to land via sea spray , aerosols , flooding-Human exposure by inhalation, food, contact

NYTimes: "radioactive materials like Cesium are brought back to the surface soil each year by plant growth and pollination"

Japan's National Cancer Center says # of Cancer patients rose by 865,000 in 2012 , a year after Fukushima .

Weekends off at Fukushima: Not one plant worker could be seen says Asahi - A cold eerie quietness

Fukushima Plume model shows 1 million Bq/m2 over west coast after reactor explosion

Very high concentrations of Hot Particles in Pacific north west during April , May - Includes Plutonium and Americium

Uninterrupted line of radiation stretches across Pacific , tracking towards West Coast of U.S. , and Canada

Asahi: Sources say about 1,000 kinds of radioactive materials released from Fukushima nuclear meltdowns

Watchdog: Inexplicable that EPA shut down Fukushima radiation monitoring
after finding high levels of radiation in drinking water

6 in 10 Fukushima Children tested have Diabetes , Head of Tokyo Medical Clinic : We are expecting diabetes in children from Fukushima radiation

Animals starving as food chain continue to collapse - Mass starvation events plague West Coast north America

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