December 4, 2022 - A Peter Moment, A Disciple Moment, A Glorious Moment

1 year ago

There was no MOMENT more significant than our LORD dying on the cross and raising from the dead

The cross was awful, the cross was brutal! Death is awful, because sin is awful!

The Giving God gave His Only Begotten Son so believers could live forever with Him!

Jesus had a "die for us" Moment. The greatest Moment of all!

Fulfilled prophecy is amazing, a "God only" Moment

What are the chances that one person fulfilling just 8 specific prophecies through their life are: 1 in 10 to the 17th power. To put this in perspective...

Cover the state of Texas in two feet of silver dollars, with just one of them having a red X on it. Now blindfold a person, have them wander over the entire state and choose just one coin. That person's odds of finding the red X coin would be the same as just 8 accurately predicted Old Testament prophecies about Jesus hundreds of years before they happened - and there are dozens of these prophecies that have been 100% fulfilled and verified.

For us, there are Moments; some good and some bad, but there will be Moments

Moments when life doesn't make sense, and Moments that are spectacular

We will all have Moments; call these Opportunities, good or bad

Opportunities to shine for our Lord!

Jesus had a Moment that changed the world

Peter had a Moment, the disciples had a Moment, and you will have a Moment

Make your Moments glorious. Moments for our Lord.

Life is filled with Opportunities


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