November 27, 2022 - The True Church is Built on the Rock - Jesus!

1 year ago

The Gospel of the Kingdom has gone out; Peter fulfilled his mission

The kingdom offer to Israel was rejected and put on hold

We are living in the age termed the "Mystery Kingdom"

This refers to Jew and Gentile in one body, the body of the Messiah

"The present spiritual reign of the King, during the period He is physically absent from the earth, prior to His second coming” (John Wolvoord)

Messiah's Kingdom of light is opposed to Satan's kingdom of darkness

Different values, different worldview, different kings, different destinies (heaven vs hell)

People are blinded

God will use the Gospel of Grace to open blinded eyes - Romans 10:17

This is your life, your timeline (Birth - Death)

You have this dash of time to determine your eternal destiny

How will you use your dash?

Jesus came that you may have an abundant dash - John 10:10

Don't waste your dash

BTW - those who believe in Jesus never die - we graduate!

Jesus is real!
Heaven is real!
Hell is real!

"What will you do with Jesus who is called the Christ?"

Acts 16:31 - "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you WILL be saved"

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