TheDimStream LIVE! 1930s: Duck Soup (1933) | It Happened One Night (1934) | RIP, Jerry Springer

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! We'll discuss the Marx Brothers film, "Duck Soup," and "It Happened One Night." And maybe some pop culture news!

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JQuickDrawAh, the Marx brothers. Groucho, Harpo, Marco, Polo.

h8yourst8Supporterdon't forget gummo

MudderFetcherdon't forget Karl and Richard

h8yourst8Supporteri thought karl was the dad

JQuickDrawSend 3 easy payments of 19.95 to K-Tel to get the commie stylings of the Marx brothers, Karl and Richard.

MudderFetcherthey still line you up against the wall but the soundtrack is very sensual

JQuickDrawWhere do you think Stockholm Syndrome came from?

MudderFetcherI thought Stockholm Syndrome was the live album

JQuickDrawNo that was Treblinka Nights '43

JQuickDrawStockholm Syndrome was the double album, one called Hate, filled with industrial metal, the other Love, German Octoberfest music.

MudderFetcheras long as fans can make love to it that's all that matters

JQuickDrawYeah, but you need to listen in reverse order for sex, Octoberfest big band music for the foreplay and then the metal for when you get going.

MudderFetcherMiracle Workers is fun

MudderFetcherBeverly: "I don't know if we can say that word here." Alex: "Here's the entire history of that word." lmao

JQuickDraw"Stop being such a bundle of sticks."

JQuickDrawWhere does "galaxy brain" fit in that pantheon of wonderful insults?

JQuickDrawThose letters spelling out "Prom" look like they were made by the Blair Witch. Just sayin



JQuickDrawOr that group in The Last Crusade that Indy fought at the library.

MudderFetcherat first I though Alex had seen a wizard

MudderFetcherno Brave changed that sucks

MudderFetcherimage and video searches are now outsourced to Bing/Google

EgerogHi Room

JQuickDrawIf I ever get married, I want to do it in the sewer, and the priest will be dressed like a big rat. The caterers will serve only pizza.

jbsxHey Y'all. You talkin bout Karl Marx?


jbsx6 if you include Karl

EgerogDid Pinkertons show up at your house WoTC is getting crazy

JQuickDrawStretching, good form and follow through on each pitch, a lot of things can help a pitcher lengthen their career.

Egeroga MTG Youtuber order cards and by accident was sent cards not set to be released yet He showed them on his channel.

Egerogwhen I first read the story i thought the guy was a Marjoy Taylor Greene fan

JQuickDrawThe DRM and possibility of losing a book you purchased is why I strip the DRM off each book I buy and make a [perfectly legal] backup EPUB copy for myself.

Guyinroom83@jquick is it hard to do that? i should learn how

JQuickDrawThere are programs that do it. You can purchase Epubor for Windows and it does the trick. I am on Linux, so I installed Calibre and a couple of plugins, and I do it for free.

JQuickDrawThere are sites that explain the process. Just search "kindle strip drm"

JQuickDrawThat is one of my biggest issues with the media companies. They count each pirated copy as a lost sale, which is, to use a scientific term, horseshit.


JQuickDrawnp, good sir

Guyinroom83eh, i think people do still steal stuff that they wouldve bought though

Guyinroom83yeah, only if i really really like a movie would i maybe buy a blu ray of it, like if its a classic

EgerogHulu got some cool stuff

JQuickDrawI buy the physical media for movies. DVDs are a dying tech, and I fear that soon we will only have digital online streaming for video content. Then the tech companies will move to a rent only model.

MudderFetcherthere's a frontdoor backdoor Alex clip being made somewhere

EgerogHooked on phonics in Phoenix

Guyinroom83nyc water is supposedly some of the best in the country!!! (probably isn't, but they say that)

Guyinroom83it does taste better than south NJ water, though.

Guyinroom83chicago water = tastes like blood, and violent crime

jbsxif you're drinkin water that tastes like shit, you're drinking from the wrong pipe


Guyinroom83louie ck used to talk about how much he loved the marx brothers movies. i still havent seen any

JQuickDrawIf you like comedy teams - Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy - you'll probably like them.

Guyinroom83no country for old men not having any music was noticeable too


MudderFetcherCybill Shepherd

JQuickDrawsome of the best comedy shows don't have a laugh track or backing music, like Scrubs.

Guyinroom83ugh, scrubs

JQuickDrawYeah, I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners were the two different types of sitcoms, and I Love Lucy won that battle, and the rest was history.

Guyinroom83i won't go on a scrubs rant, to each their own. to be fair i never could make it through a full episode to properly judge

MudderFetcherI can fully understand have a low tolerance for Zach Braff

JQuickDrawZach Braff does his thing, the key is to balance his Braff-ness with someone else. McGinley was a great foil for him in that show.

JQuickDrawAlso, the janitor

Guyinroom83@Mudder yeah, low is putting it mildly. but also, the editing, and sound fx in the show. and the writing. and acting.

Guyinroom83they dont seem to really do comedy duos anymore

Guyinroom83or comedy in general

Guyinroom83wow, i figured they did it all

jbsxA night at the opera and A day at the races were major hits for them

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Hello Rumblers

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Abbot and Costello did comedy movies better. Good stories and they were part of the story. Not dominating every scene

jbsxabbott and costello were 10 years after the marx brothers

jbsxfilm makers and actors learn

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++sometimes

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++they forgot how to make good movies these days

Guyinroom83you guys are so critical. how dare you. the marx's are rolling in their very jew-y graves

Guyinroom83pow right in the kisser!

jbsxto the moon


pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I love Lucy the wife was unstable and the husband understanding. That was reversed in the Honeymooners

Guyinroom83oh the janitor was the only one i liked



Guyinroom83ill be honest though, the guy i couldn't stand the most was the orange curly haired nurse guy

Guyinroom83or doctor, idk

MudderFetcherMcGinley is Dr. Cox

Guyinroom83oh, that would've been a good idea though

Guyinroom83yes. and it all culminates with jerry springer (rip)

JQuickDrawThe honeymooners had a single camera, one shot, and they did not rehearse, leaving in mistakes.

JQuickDraw"Bang! Zoom!"

EgerogActor who played Dr Cox is in all Oliver Stone films

Guyinroom83weird. . couldve sworn he had orange hair

Guyinroom83he looks ginger-y

JQuickDrawThe Honeymooners had some of the best fat jokes. "You're the kind of person who would bend all the way over on April Fools Day to pick up a dollar. I wouldn't." "You couldn't."

Guyinroom83@JQuick lol

Guyinroom83@JQuick very fatphobic

Guyinroom83yes. the good old days, when a man could 'correct' his wife.

Guyinroom83i heard that one reason for prohibition was bc women were fed up with their men always coming home drunk and yelling at them or beating them

Guyinroom83the men will just take the womans physical abuse. or emotional abuse. even yelling back, or putting arms up is risky for a guy

Guyinroom83my friend went through something like this, a total nightmare, last fall. he had nothing to do but hope she didn't flip out and hurt herself or the kids

Guyinroom83exactly. esp if the womans already mentally unstable and literally makes threats that she WILL lie and say he abuses her (this happened to my friend)

MudderFetcherAmber Heard probably threw her shit at Johnny

Guyinroom83based alex

EgerogSimpsons had the best cult episode

Guyinroom83yeah, for sure, the whole 'angry drunk' thing is weird. hard to understand

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Alcohol is like removing the emergency brake on an elevator for some personalities

Guyinroom83yeah, the shining is where i got 'correcting' from

Guyinroom83dry drunk

Guyinroom83@pbeavr great analogy

Guyinroom83probably bc stephen king was a drunk/addict

MudderFetcherI just drink my 6 pack and go to sleep generally

Guyinroom83just dont be like the quartering, and get wasted, then stream

MudderFetcherI know the sulfites mess some people up

JQuickDrawwhoah, language! Exploding juice in your mouth?

MudderFetcheryou can usually get other stuff than the tapioca balls

Guyinroom83boba tea? it's weird af. don't like it

JQuickDrawlol bursting balls, tasty and juicy

Guyinroom83wtf kind of mic does Erl have

Guyinroom83i actually have been using a mic that my dad used in bands, decades ago, it still works despite being dented and looking broken. short, black, and dented. but hard. wait, no pun intended

MudderFetcherStar Wars in Cancun it is

JQuickDrawIn honor of Star Wars, you should destroy something cherished in your life, for the enjoyment of your audience.


Guyinroom83just do the lizzo episode

Guyinroom83lizzo got a thiccccc saber

MudderFetcherI will NOT see that keytar harmed JQuickDraw


JQuickDrawHey I didn't specify what to destroy.

MudderFetchernot sure if they have the theatrical cuts on Disney+

JQuickDrawIf you've never seen the first three movies, just remember - Han shot first.

MudderFetcherruntime on Disney+ looks like it's the special edition ones

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserSubscribeStar: Email: Mailing Address: Message for details! Discord: Guilded:

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

Guyinroom83i have the 'de specialized editions' downloaded somewhere

MudderFetcherI have them somewhere too

MudderFetcherI had the laserdisc rips at some point

Guyinroom83btw, you don't HAVE to watch star wars if you don't want lol. just do different movies

Guyinroom83hans came first in the original


Guyinroom83bc lucas was retarded

Guyinroom83the newer versions are just retarded

Guyinroom83wow, that's insane to only see the new ones

MudderFetcherEmpire is my fave still

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Good night

MudderFetchernight everyone o7

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserThanks for watching!

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User🌈

JQuickDrawlast jedi was awesome

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