The Solfeggio Scale Healing Frequencies

1 year ago

The Solfeggio Scale is a set of nine frequencies used in sound healing and meditation practices. Here are all the frequencies and their associated benefits:

174 Hz: Associated with promoting a sense of safety and security, as well as facilitating physical and emotional healing.
285 Hz: Associated with promoting a sense of grounding and balance, as well as facilitating emotional healing and personal growth.
396 Hz: Associated with releasing emotional blockages and creating a sense of safety and security.
417 Hz: Associated with breaking up stagnant emotional energy, facilitating change, and helping to clear negative thought patterns.
528 Hz: Associated with promoting DNA repair, enhancing feelings of love and peace, and bringing about transformation and miracles.
639 Hz: Associated with promoting communication, understanding, and harmony in relationships, as well as facilitating emotional healing and forgiveness.
741 Hz: Associated with promoting problem-solving, intuition, and spiritual awakening, as well as facilitating emotional healing and detoxification.
852 Hz: Associated with promoting spiritual awareness, inner peace, and connection with the divine, as well as facilitating a deep sense of relaxation and stress relief.
963 Hz: Associated with promoting a sense of oneness with the universe, as well as facilitating spiritual awakening and connection with higher consciousness.

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