To Stop The NWO, Just Stop the Microwaves (By Arthur Firstenberg)

1 year ago

The secret to stop the NWO and to save humanity from extinction, just shut down the Luciferian brainchip-hivemind which links them to their A.i.Lucifer beast.

Behind the Freemasons and Luciferians are their masters, Homo capensis:

Excellent video!
The celltower-grid is actually not just for cellphones. They are for the brain-computer-interfaces which the NWO-takeover totally plan to have in everyone's head because it monitors every single thought.
Not only monitor every thought... the implant will be able to change the way you think and act. If you resist then the brainchip can remote control your body to commit suicide... the brainchip will actually turn you into a bio-robot to serve the NWO's purpose.

The ambient microwaves provide the power to run the brainchips so they will run forever.
The IOT and Celdar will run forever and never need batteries.

Bill Hicks and other Luciferians hide the wireless-brainchips while claiming to be anti-NWO: [show less]

Isolated pockets of Homo sapiens are required to be hunted down and brought into the world-wide extinction protocol directed by the ancient devils, Homo capensis:

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