Sikhism: Does GOD have a house? Namdev (1270-1350) Brainless Siki Logic!

1 year ago

Comparison studies: In this video we expose the #Sikh granth and discuss Namdev.
"The #Hindu is blind and the #Muslim is one-eyed. The Lord divine is the wiser of the two. The Hindu worships at the temple and the Muslim at the #mosque. Namdev serves that Lord, who has neither a temple nor a mosque." (Bhagat Namdev, Gond, pg. 875)

"Bhagat Namdev's writings
were also recognized by the Gurus
of Sikhism and are included in the
holy book of Sikhism, the
Sri Guru Granth Sahib"

Visoba Khechara

1983 Mysticism in India: The Poet-Saints of Maharashtra By Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade p. 189

Verses from the Bhagavad Gita:
"For one who sees Me EVERYWHERE and sees EVERYTHING in Me, I am NEVER lost, nor is he ever lost to Me."

"Although You are ONE, You are spread throughout the sky
and the planets and all space between. O great one, as I behold this terrible form,
I see that all the planetary systems are perplexed."

"The Blessed Lord said:
Yes, I will tell you of My splendorous
manifestations, but only of those which
are prominent, O Arjuna,
for My opulence is LIMITLESS.."

Namdev's Bani

Verses from the Sikh Granth:

Ananth Roop Thaerae Naaraaeinaa ||4||1||
"O Lord, Your Forms are endless." ||4||1||

Sur Thaetheeso Jaevehi Paak ||
"Three hundred thirty million
gods eat the Lord's offerings."

"Even so, the limits of the Supreme
Lord God cannot be found. ||6||
Rama, with millions of monkeys,
Conquered Raawan's army.
Billions of Puraanas greatly praise Him;"

"Without the Guru, understanding
and realization are not obtained;"

"Those who serve their
Beloved True Guru
obtain eternal peace.

Those who meet the True Guru,
O Nanak - the Lord Himself
meets them. "

Ik oankar satgur parsad.
"One Universal Creator God.
By The Grace Of The True Guru"

"Bavan Akhari"

"Bani Guru Guru Hai Bani "

'Baani', the Word of Almighty God,
is the preceptor,
the preceptor is Word,
in 'Baani' is the nectar of life."

har ma(n)dhar har saajiaa
har vasai jis naal ||

"The Lord built the Harimandir,
the Temple of the Lord;
the Lord dwells within it."

"Guru Arjan Sahib, the Fifth Nanak,
conceived the idea of creating a central
place of worship for the Sikhs and HE
HIMSELF designed the architecture of
Sri Harmandir Sahib. "

"The Hindu is blind and the Muslim is one-eyed.
The Lord divine is the wiser of the two.
The Hindu worships at the temple and the
Muslim at the mosque. Namdev serves that Lord,
who has neither a temple nor a mosque."
(Bhagat Namdev, Gond, pg. 875)
Ronald Stuart McGregor, commonly R. S. McGregor (or Stuart McGregor) (died 19 August 2013), was a philologist of the Hindi language.[1] Best known as editor of the Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, a standard reference work published in 1993 after a sustained effort of twenty years,[1] McGregor was a Fellow of Wolfson College and retired as Reader in Hindi at the University of Cambridge.[2]

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