NYPD Detective Desmond Egan - Midtown South Detective Squad

1 year ago


Q and NYPD Detective Desmond Egan - Midtown South Detective Squad

Mark Simpson (friend of Cyrus Vance) and his boyfriend Brian Albro (Attorney at McDermott Will & Emory) hire NYPD Detective Desmond Egan to engage the false arrest of Q on September 26th, 2013.

In 2013 Simpson & Albro (friends of Hillary Clinton, Cyrus Vance and numerous other Government and Hollywood elite) hatched a "Jessie Smollet" themed "hate crime" plot to manufacture a false story alleging that they were victims of a "hate crime." Even despite a settlement agreement in Delaware which prohibited them from this type of illegal activity, Simpson & Albro used an internet proxy company to email Q an "anonymous" death threat on April 7th, 2013. Q emailed them back on April 16th, 2013 with retaliatory threats, at which point Simpson & Albro went to their friend, the Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, asking him to dispatch Detective Egan to file a false "hate crime" complaint alleging that Q sent them "unprovoked" threats because of hatred against their "LGBT status" (while concealing the fact that they emailed Q illegal threats in order to provoke his responses). Detective Egan contacted Q to investigate his response, at which point Q alerted him that Simpson & Albro had sent him an illegal threat in order to provoke his response as documented in the above recording. Detective Egan then offered to arrest Simpson & Albro for their threats if Q went to New York to file a criminal complaint against them. Q finally travelled to NY in September 2013 to provide Detective Egan copies of all of Simpson's illegal threats (which he brought on a USB key to provide to him), at which point Detective Egan refused to investigate the threats and instead claimed that Simpson & Albro were denying having sent any of them. Detective Egan then illegally arrested Q for felony "hate crime" for merely responding to Simpson's illegal threats (while refusing to arrest Simpson).

After Q was illegally arrested and subsequently released from the imprisonment, he was finally able to trace the illegal threats used to provoke him directly to the home of Simpson & Albro (despite their attempting to conceal the origin by using a proxy company to send them), at which point Detective Egan and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance then started to falsely claim that they never received the USB that Q provided them documenting their threats (in order to coverup their crimes). They then recruited the Legal Aid Society lawyers assigned to Q's criminal case into a plot to prevent Q from submitting these provocations to a grand jury they had convened to try and illegally indict Q on a felony hate crime (so that they could use pretrial detention to prevent him from defending himself at trial). All their plots failed and they were eventually forced to dismiss the false case but only after dragging Q from Florida to New York every month (for almost two years) as part of their plot to try and force Q to plead guilty despite knowing he was completely innocent the entire time.

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