Billable Hourly Rate with Jim Cosmas

1 year ago

Master Your Billable Hourly Rate: The Key to Thriving in the Home Service Industry!

In the home service industry, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of your billable hourly rate. Don't rely on guesswork or mimic your competitors – develop a rate tailored to your organization's needs.

In this video, I delve into the subject of calculating your billable hourly rate. I discuss two methods: a comprehensive break-even analysis and a time-saving hack that I'm always ready to share. And here's a little important tidbit: the billable hourly rate for service is different from the rate for replacements.

I talk about billable efficiencies and their influence on your hourly rates. You'll learn how to calculate billable efficiency, why service has lower efficiencies compared to replacements, and how to use this information to make informed pricing decisions.

Give the video a watch, and let me know your thoughts!

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