The meaning of the year in your date of birth. Part 2

1 year ago

Let’s continue talking about your personality based on the last digit of your year of birth:
People with a 6 (six) are patronized by Venus. They value their family, children, and traditions above all else. They also tend to treat people they consider close as if they were family.
Neptune’s acolytes – people with a 7 (seven) – have a cold mindset and often prefer solitude. To them, intelligence comes first when choosing friends and a profession.
Having an 8 (eight) as the last digit means Saturn provides you with wisdom and spirituality. Such people often surpass their peers in experience and knowledge. They are quick to build a successful career, but not for the sake of being wealthy, but rather to be independent.
9 (nine) - Mars - these people are militant, independent, and rarely grow attached to anything. They also have strong business acumen and can easily attain success.
The rest of the information regarding your year of birth is in the next video!

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