US Aids Japan's Fences - Curbing China's Offenses #usmilitary #japan #china

1 year ago

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The United States is increasing its efforts to strengthen Japan's defenses against the growing assertiveness of the Chinese military, particularly in relation to Taiwan, as reported by Major General Joel Vowell, the commander of the US Army in Japan. The US military is working closely with Japan to bolster defenses in the country's southwest islands through joint military exercises aimed at countering the activities of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The focus of the joint efforts has shifted to "protecting the sovereignty of Japan," with the primary emphasis being on the southwest islands. The area is considered the greatest security challenge, with the Japanese government increasingly concerned about the potential threat the PLA could pose to the islands, including the Ryukyu chain.

The US military and the Japan Ground Self-Defence Force have conducted exercises like the annual Yama Sakura and Orient Shield drills, simulating scenarios such as invasions or compromised Japanese sovereignty. Japan is particularly worried that the PLA may attempt to block or seize some of its islands to prevent intervention if Taiwan is attacked.

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