MRNA FOOD TASK FORCE! - Our Food Is Their Target! - The FIGHT Begins NOW!

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of an mRNA food task force as the mainstream mass produced food industry looks to inject cows, pigs and chickens with mRNA. Many pigs have already been injected with mRNA going back to 2018 and evidence is coming out that traces of mRNA is being found in cow meat across the United States which seems to correlate with the strange uptick in unvaccinated people getting inorganic blood clots and myocarditis. The American Cattlemen's association is claiming they support the labeling of "gene altering" mRNA technology in food via the proposed Missouri House Bill 1196, however they also claim that no one is yet doing it which contradicts much evidence. While the globalists are destroying the food supply chain and targeting the grid, they're poisoning the existing food supply and forcing us into an international crisis the likes of which we've never seen before. Where does it lead? The Great Reset of course and it will come with all the bells and whistles of technocracy. They create a problem and then they come in as the solution with more tyranny. From a cashless society to food rations, carbon credits and eugenics, it's clear we're going down a bad path. We do however have solutions.

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