August 7, 2022 - Controversy Over The Sabbath

1 year ago

Why is the world so intimidated by Jesus and want to shut Him down?
Satan is the god of this age, the ruler of all fallen humanity
Satan will do anything to inhibit the King's message

God's Word will go forth; God will have a people for Himself!

Satan’s world system cannot have its way while the RESTRAINER IS HERE!

Christians are an obstacle to - "global progress" - progressivism!!

Restrainer = the Holy Spirit filled Church - YOU!

The Restrainer is unmoved by "world think" - 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

We will not be silenced!
We will not live by lies!

We will See - Judge - Act
We will stand against evil, the lie, and Godless tyranny!

We will stand for the TRUTH!
The TRUNTH will dispel the lie!

The world will hate you and the TRUTH
This is expected - John 15:18

In your life, if you respond in faith, Jesus will say: "Stretch out your hand"

Jesus will impart His power to deal with whatever

Satan plays "gotcha", you're trapped, you are mine!

Jesus says, "Stretch our your hand"
You can be changed - you can be set free!

Jesus came to set the captives free!

Millions have been set from from whatever

So can you . . .


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