July 31, 2022 - Come - You Will Find Rest For Your Soul

1 year ago

The yoke is designed for the lead ox to carry the load; the assistant ox goes with the flow

Those yoked to Jesus will discover some amazing things:
Why am I here? Discover the meaning of life - it's about God!
Where did all of this come from? Discover the origin of life - GOD
What happens after I die? Discover the question of eternity - Eternal life with GOD
What is real and true? Discover how to live in an insane world - a GOD worldview

Jesus says, "Come to Me", yoke with Me, do life with Me, learn from Me

COME - You will find rest for your sould

COME - Remember who you are serving - "The King"

No one is safe wihout being yoked to "The King"


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