April 27, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... Your Prayers are powerful and the Crying of your Heart speaks Volumes

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus explains…
Your Prayers are powerful & The crying of your Heart speaks Volumes

April 27, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) The joy of the Lord is our strength, precious Heartdwellers.

This morning during my communion service, Holy Spirit rose up in me to pray for certain individuals who are going through serious trials right now. I felt the Lord’s concern for them as well. I had recently learned that prayers from the previous two days have had an immense impact on the oppression certain people were in. That was very encouraging for me. After the service, I felt prompted to come and write, and this is what Jesus said…

(Jesus) “I will indeed answer these prayers for others. You see, your prayers are powerful. This is what has been lacking, seeing the evidence and result of your prayers. When you don’t see change in things that are out of your sphere of influence… you don’t realize what massive affects your prayers really have on situations. This is your problem with prayer. You don’t recognize the power that’s released. If you did, I couldn’t keep you out of prayer, My little OCD Bride!

“How important that is! How important even the littlest prayer is, but how much more important is prayer that contends with darkness for the victory. From now on, I want you to continue this routine that is building you up into who you are in Me. A communion service is so very important. Worship beforehand is good. You will feel when it is time to have the service and many times I will come to you and give the message afterwards.”

“Oh Clare, I see your heart, I hear your cries. Do you not know how powerful they are in moving My Heart? My mother came to Me in this way. I would read her heart and feel her intentions and I could not resist responding to her aching heart. And you also, My Brides, because all of you have suffered for Me and are willing to suffer for Me, I have compassion on you and your families. Your tears move My Heart, My loved ones. Your tears speak volumes and volumes of love to Me. I cannot resist a loving and pure heart. That is why the war did not begin until Faustina died. I had to move her out of the way.”

(Clare) Faustina was a nun in Poland who interceded against the second World War. She’s the one who the Lord gave the Divine Mercy Prayer to, which we pray. Jesus continued…

(Jesus) “And yes, I must move My Bride out of the way before the very worst happens. She is praying, shedding tears, fasting, seeking Me, repenting for this world’s sins. How can I ignore her pleas? I can’t. Simply, I just can’t. So, I continue to answer her with change as she cries out. You know this truth. You know also that there will be a time when the Father says, ‘Enough!!’ and I will remove you. Just as I removed Faustina. But before that time your prayers are changing things around you. They are working. Do you understand?”

“So few understand that prayer is WORK. It is hard labor, a labor of love, and of all the things man can put his energy into, prayer is the most powerful. It is not building freeways, hospitals, skyscrapers, and bombs – no, it is prayer. And prayer is the intention of the heart pleading with Me, petitioning Me, pressing into Me with a contrite heart. But prayer does not have to be formal. The crying out of the heart speaks volumes to Me and I cannot ignore it.”

“So, what I am saying to all of you: prayer WORKS. It can even be hard labor. It takes just as much effort to pray effectively as it does to physically lift hundreds of pounds and build a house. Yet the world does not acknowledge prayer as work. For this reason, all of you are assailed by guilt. And who do you suppose is the author of that?”

“If you want to know how effective your prayers are, short of seeing the results, look at the efforts that are put into stopping you, depriving you of your prayer time, interrupting it. Look and measure the resistance. Then you will see assignments against you such as… Hunger, sleepiness, feelings of guilt for not getting caught up on the laundry… ‘Here you are enjoying yourself in prayer while your housework is unfinished!’

“You will see people come to your door, phone calls out of nowhere. Anything to take you out of prayer. And for you poor OCD Brides, I must seriously help you if you get up to do anything, because I may not enjoy your presence in prayer again until tomorrow. Once you get up, you are easily distracted by your to-do list and loose ends around the house.”

“This is one reason why prayer at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning is better for you. You can’t do housework then, really. All that time is well suited for is prayer. Whereas if you wait until after all the work is done, you may feel the liberty of saying, ‘Whew, now I can relax.’ But watch how your mind spins like a roulette wheel and lands on some unfinished chore and you feel the demand to get up and do it first, before you get deeply into prayer. And your mind does not want to cooperate and focus on Me. It tends to continue to spin.”

“Oh My Children, the tactics of the enemy are endless. And for those who are well-disposed to take care of their households, the enemy uses that against you to pry you away from Me. You may even have a spouse rise up and say, ‘You haven’t done this, you haven’t done that and now you’re just sitting there?’ Then you are forced to live with that scrutiny over your shoulder.”

(Clare) Here, as an aside, I would like to add that in situations such as this, I recommend you get out of the house, even if it’s cold. Take a sleeping bag and go sit somewhere with your coffee and pray.

(Jesus) “I am stressing this to you all because some of you don’t know how to pray, when to pray or how to keep your right to prayer in the midst of oppression. You have all been taught about dwelling prayer, which is so very important to cultivate your relationship with Me. After all, how can a Bride be a Bride without time with her future husband? And now I am adding to it the simple devotion to the Scriptures and communion.”

“So, I am coming to you all to establish you in solid habits that will strengthen you and bring forth sweet fruit. Copious sweet fruit.”

“I bless you now with perseverance and steadfast faith, that your love for Me will triumph over all earthly and spiritual forces arrayed against you. I will bless your obedience and you will grow in stature to resemble Me.”

As it is written…
Christ Himself gave emissaries, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints to the work of service to a building up of the Body of the Messiah, until we all come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Messiah. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

(Clare) The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers.

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