Oleg Kuznetsov: Warning Against the Dystopian Great Reset

1 year ago

Apr 26, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v2klnoc-oleg-kuznetsov-warning-against-the-dystopian-great-reset.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6

Oleg Kuznetsov, a digital artist from Calgary, Canada, was not into "global conspiracies" until Covid lockdowns were implemented, presumably to contain the virus. The reality the artist observed did not match with the dreadful picture painted by the government, and, as the Covid response was evolving, Mr. Kuznetsov started to "connect the dots."
In this interview with The New American, Mr. Kuznetsov discusses his recent dystopian film "Beyond the Reset," which depicts the life of the "average" young man who ends up in a quarantine camp installed "for his protection." Raging during the past three years in the West and reaching its extremes in China, "emergency" policies demonstrated authoritarian inclinations of global elites and showed how modern technology such as drones and vaccine passports can be used against people. Another notable example of how people’s freedoms can be taken away is the concept of 15-minute cities, noted the artist. A third of the Western population is conscientious of the true goals of the global elites represented by the World Economic Forum (WEF), but Oleg believes that many more are starting to pay attention to and come to terms with what the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 actually are.

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