June 5, 2022 - Disciples Are Prepared To Do - Prepared To Rule

1 year ago

The 12 disciples were given Messiah’s authority to do signs and wonders to authenticate their message

You have something greater! You have the indwelling Holy Spirit! The “dunamis” power is in you – Acts 1: 8

You have a mission: Go and tell, make disciples. The Great Commission

Evil will do everything to inhibit your mission:

Stay on mission
Stay focused
Stay engaged
Stay SALTY!!

Right now, you are being prepared for another place you are being prepared to RULE !

Just think: FOREVER!
Prepared to DO and to RULE !
Heaven is not BORING!!

Until then, stand by, the waters will be choppy, the resistance immense, the battle will rage!!

Watch, Stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Know this truth....
You are prepared to DO (now),
You are being prepared to RULE (future)

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