The Dark History That Bathrooms Hide

1 year ago

It is natural, every living being produces waste and almost all of them feel the need to clean themselves periodically. The only thing that differentiates us humans from animals in the field of cleanliness are concepts of our own, such as modesty... but it was not always like that.
The story of how our hygiene habits have evolved into bathrooms with technological circuits that heat the seat or showers with integrated screens that we can enjoy today, if our pockets allow it, is long... but at least now we all have a space dedicated to these intimate moments in our homes.
Today, we will talk about how humans went from defecating in bushes and bathing in rivers to using porcelain toilets and pressure showers. Welcome to Copernicus' Galaxy.

Where did it all begin? Baths of the ancient world
By the year 3000 B.C., humans had invented indoor plumbing. And one of the first baths was located in the Indus Valley, an ancient civilization that spread throughout Pakistan, and was used for cleansing before entering sacred areas.
The Greeks did not know what baths were until the second millennium BC with their luxurious and ornate bathtub located in the ancient palace of Knossos in Crete, not to mention the excavated ones made of alabaster in the ruins of Akrotiri in the now tourist destination of Santorini. It was here that the Greeks began to take a great liking to the relaxing act of washing their bodies, later establishing public baths and showers where both men and women could wash themselves with only cold water inside gymnasiums after their workout.

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