Are You Safe in the Parking Lot? Things You Better Know! | After The Fight Ep 16

1 year ago

Are You Safe in the Parking Lot? Things You Better Know! | After The Fight Ep 16

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This comes to us from Houston, Texas.

So let me ask you this, do you have measures to observe the street? Do you have cameras? Do you have motion sensors that can alert you quickly if if somebody's running down your driveway?

Do you have lighting at night? Lighting is a big issue to deter and again that should be motion activated where if somebody's moving it's going to you know notify you so you can respond. And then also are you backing into your driveway, paying attention cautiously to anything that could be coming towards you because the worst scenario would be for you not to be able to respond to a sudden attack like this one.

So folks I hope this is helpful again. Your home security is a really big issue and I hope and pray that these tips are helpful for you to feel safer in your home. And that's the goal. We

We want everybody to not be afraid, but to feel safer. We'll do more on home security and other things in the days ahead. But I hope and pray that these tips are helpful. And I hope at the end of the day that you're staying safe. And may God bless you and your family in this difficult season in our country. We'll see you next time. And I hope that you're safe. And I hope that you're safe. And I hope that you're safe. And I hope that you're safe. And I hope that you're safe.

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