Episode 324: How Much Do Americans Earn?

1 year ago

The question, “How much do Americans earn?” seems simple. But there are so many moving parts below the surface that there is no single answer. For example, by “earn” do we mean “money from a job” or are we including interest income. What about Social Security retirement benefits? What about government welfare benefits? When we say “Americans” do we mean individual workers, or families, or households? When we say “How much” do we mean the average number or the median? Foolishness of the week: 02:43 Main episode: 06:00

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Episode Topic (Numbers are for 2021) Personal income: Income earned by all people from all sources Median personal income: $38,000 Mean personal income: $57,000 Usual Full-Time Earnings: Wages and salaries earned by workers who are employed full-time Median usual earnings: $56,000 Family income: Income earned from all sources by households of two or more related people Median family income: $89,000 Mean family income: $121,000 Household income: Income earned from all sources by households of one or more people Median household income: $71,000 Market income: Household income earned from market activities only Median market Income: $64,000 Per-capita GDP: All the income generated in the economy divided by the population Per-capita GDP: $70,000 https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/families/households.html https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N

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