REVELATION REDPILL Wednesday EP10: Land Promises Just for Israel? NO! The Whole Earth Blessed

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Pastors Cory Gray and Jason Heydinger join us tonight as we set out to destroy the myth that God's land promises are only for modern Jews and the nation of Israel. Modern End Times theology is destructive to God's Creation, it teaches that the world must get worse and worse before Jesus comes back and that the land promises and blessings of Abraham are just for the Jews and Israel.

This ideology has given evil men free reign to destroy God's beautiful creation and fill it with high rises, pollute the rivers and waterways, and stuff humans into suffocating cities. Christians need to reclaim the land promises of God and then the Almighty can once again bless the nations. When God took the children of Israel into the Promised Land they were experiencing the fulfillment of God's Covenant to Abraham.

Deuteronomy 28 lists all the blessings God would bestow upon his people " If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth." God promised they would be blessed wherever they went, the fruit of their womb, their livestock, abundant food, victory over their enemies and so much more. However, the prophets foresaw a day when Israel would break that covenant and God would create a New Covenant that would be for the entire world to partake in. What happened to those land covenant promises? Modern end times theory says that they are just for the Jews and the land to be blessed is only Israel but nothing could be further from the truth. Those promises are for the whole planet to be restored for all of God's people to enter into today.

Cory Gray:

Jason Heydinger:

Resistance Chicks:

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