Amillennialism with Dr. Sam Storms

1 year ago

In this episode, Dr. Sam Storms discusses the Amillennial perspective of the end times. He begins by clarifying that “Amillennial” is a bit of a misnomer – since he does, in fact, believe in a Millennium. It just looks different than the “literalistic” view of Historic Premillennialism. On that note, he talks through the hermeneutic to employ when interpreting apocalyptic literature—how do we know when to understand things literally or figuratively? Dr. Storms responds to the major objections to Amillennialism, he explains in detail why he is not Premillennial, and he makes a biblical case for Amillennialism. All of this is couched in his own personal journey away from Premillennialism (which his seminary taught strongly) and toward Amillennialism. If you’re interested in the end times and want to understand the biblical teaching more, you won’t want to miss this episode. Even if you don’t agree with all of Dr. Storms’ points, you’ll certainly find that he goes to the Bible to support his beliefs.

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