Q&A Webinar from April 26th, 2023

1 year ago

In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discussed the following:
Dr. Sam Bailey's video on Reiner Fuellmich's 'Coronaviruses.' The link can be found here: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-coronaviruses?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#play

Kate Sugak's recent video with Marvin Haberland, "The court case against virology" the link can be found here: https://odysee.com/$/embed/@katie.su:7/thecourtcaseagainstvirology:0?r=6oXqknZEoT1GDb19SgQyVEkNKtP5WvtT

Marvin Haberland's victory in court. The information can be found via this link: https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/victory-in-court-virology-indefensible?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=992044&post_id=117422156&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

We also held a Q&A session with previously submitted questions from our community.

1. Nerves - Is there solid proof and evidence that nerves exist as we are told? What does it really mean when they say a nerve was cut or severed? Is there any hope for people who are experiencing numbness tingling pain or paralysis?
2. Sleep apnea - What is the cause or causes or is it just as everything else for this thing that they are now calling sleep apnea? And they will treat people with a machine that is supposed to force the flow of air but honestly, it doesn't get to the root nor does it help in some or most cases. I cannot figure out if this is just the body's way of trying to compensate in order to heal itself or if is this a symptom of a weakness either in the brain or the lungs. Why would the body not breathe as it is supposed to? Could there be too much activity in the brain and it is trying to slow it down? Or maybe the brain is inflamed and not working properly?
3. In "The Fourfold Path to Healing" you speak highly of bovine milk products. How do you see Casein A1 vs. Casein A2 cows? Is Casein A1 healthy to eat in your opinion? Where one could get raw Casein A2 milk in Europe?
5. With regards to our genetics not being stable along with the other questionable areas in the entire field could it be possible for water to be literally creating our features and individual selves just as is demonstrated with Veda Austin’s water crystallography work? Like an imprint.
6. I've been speaking to some farmers about the nonsense of various "diseases" like bird flu, rabies, mad cow's disease, and others. For these, I had great documentation from your various works: books, articles, and videos. However, one more came up: foot and mouth disease. Of course, I know that this is not caused by some contagious pathogen, but do you have any documentation on what causes this? As this is a very old "disease", it appears to me that chemicals/vaccines are not "the" cause. What is? Malnutrition perhaps?
7. If possible can you please address and give us information on "vaccinations in food" and the new nasal vaccines?
I am seeing a lot of fear-mongering posts about these and would like to know what is really going on with them.
8. I have a question when it comes to structured water. My wife and I have our own dairy cow. While she is not strictly grass-fed, she does get a lot of fresh greens to eat. Would whole raw milk from a cow like this be high in EZ water? I am guessing the fats, proteins, and lactose would be considered hydrophilic. If they are, then would milk have a lot of EZ water in it?
9. Can you address the long-term loss of smell?
10. Can you please talk about the vax effects on pregnancy and breastfeeding? I just wanted to know if you know what is happening with the placenta, mother's milk, baby, etc. And how/where to find data on the damages.
11. After reading Harold Hillman's texts (from your books), it is clear that a virus or an exosome cannot survive the preparations for electron microscopy.
Why do your books still talk about the existence of exosomes?
I also thought that viruses are exosomes but if the presence of an exosome can only be seen by an electron microscope I think exosomes are artifacts.
Also strange, is Dr. Hillman's text:
"If the major findings on cell structure which have been made by the use of the electron microscope over a period of 40 years are artifacts, one may ask if this expensive instrument has an application to biology at all. Certainly, it can be used to recognize viruses, especially when clinical, microbiological, and immunological findings can be correlated with their identification under the electron microscope.'
I think he doesn't mean this last sentence!
12. Tom has talked about the tissue/cell culture fraud of virus discovery many times in detail. Before the culture experiments, embryonated chicken eggs were used to culture viruses. I read that the method of culturing viruses in eggs is:
"Within the hen's egg, the virus grows." The virus is then isolated, subject to chemical breakdown processes, purified, and tested".
Can Tom respond to this claim?
What happens to metabolic waste once it exits the trillions of cells?

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