23 Christians are facing prison

1 year ago

The Biden regime has indicted 23 Christians for interposing peacefully and prayerfully at the doors of deathcamps (abortion clinics) in order to protect the preborn from a brutal murder.

Indictments have been handed down against Christians in Tennessee, Michigan, Georgia, Virginia, and Florida - and they are looking at up to 34 years each in federal prison.

Sheriffs and state authorities must realize they have a duty to protect those in their jurisdictions from lawless federal authorities. This will become more important in the days ahead here in America.

The war on Christians is well underway. You must understand this, and be prepared to suffer. That may include losing your job, being threatened, and even being cast aside by your church. Under great tyranny, Christians cannot live saying "peace peace" while there is no peace.

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Reference our previous videos on American Christianity -

For a more thorough overview, watch this video from Tucker Carlson.

Please consider giving to these Christians. While the funding campaign says 11, as originally there were 11, now there are 23, who will be benefitted by this fund.

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