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NBC Reports Tinnitus As Vaxx Side Effect: Media Covers Up Those Who DIE SUDDENLY From CLOT SHOT

1 year ago

The media reports on vaccine side effects but ignores those who are dying suddenly so the empire of lies can continue.
Dr. William Makis is back to discuss the media lies concerning the Covid-19 shots.
Even though NBC reported that tinnitus is a vaccine side effect they are really actually lying.
Developing tinnitus after getting the jab means the spike protein is penetrating the blood-brain barrier.
It’s not just tinnitus that is being reported as a vaccine side effect.
Tens of thousands of people have reported vertigo, blindness, deafness, and ear pain.
The media always claims these side effects are rare but that is a lie.
Dr. Makis sees the similarities between what is happening to the west and America compared to the life he experienced in communist Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia communists made it illegal to attend Church and Dr. Makis had to be baptized in secret.
As the weaponization of public health continues more and more Christian pastors have been arrested and prosecuted.
Watch this new segment NOW at https://StewPeters.com!


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  • 0/2000
  • I was forced to take two covid tests at a medical clinic and after that I’ve had massive tinnitus in my left ear. It’s never went away and when I get around WiFi and cell towers it feels like it’s going to explode. I felt something attaching itself way up my nasal cavity within days of being forced to take 2 covid tests back to back of each other. The medical lab that did them shoved them so far up my nasal cavity and they twisted them to the point that my eye started uncontrollably crying. I have not been healthy since they did those swabs on me! They implanted something in me.

  • Am a Pureblood myself and avoid doctors like the plague ... yet most people still go to doctors and willingly accept and take common medications that have a long list of possible and dangerous side-effects much the same as the covid vax ... makes no sense to me.

  • Dead bodies piling up like stacks of wood.

  • We know the numbers are be8ng fabricated. The injured are huge in number and can't work.

  • Pink makes me Puke! Dolly Parton makes me puke! The so called celebrities pimping the poison need to be held to account and suitably punished. They have blood on their hands... Here in the UK Ester feckin Rancid, shame she was recently diagnosed with cancer, Not! Edwina Curry I wonder what she's saying now, rancid individual that she is. The list goes on and on. Don't these pimps have enough money already

  • Sharing far and wide as always. 🙏

  • Pink is a man.

  • Pink is a man......

  • Bill Gates & his Bitch Fauci are behind all this Shit.

  • Not vaxed and got tinitus 3 weeks ago. Havana syndrome. I am VERY outspoken and lead helmet stops the tinitus...huh.

  • No jabs, never a mask, never been tested, outspoken about this hoax to everyone I know. I have tinnitus. Whatever's causing it, is coming from the chemtrails.

  • None of these politicians is on the people's side. DeSantis, Trump, Biden, Harris, Obama, Graham..........ALL OF THEM worship Lucifer and are helping to bring in the new world order. This is a spiritual war. May God help us all. Evil must destroy evil. America is already under judgement and we have done terrible terrible things to a lot of other countries and their people. USA IS Mystery Babylon. The rest of the world is uniting against her and refusing her government's abuses and tyranny at last.

  • I'm a survivor of CIRS & brain damage to the potassium-pump area of the brain thanks to a functional medicine doctor who was into research and was able to diagnose and treat me with the Shoemaker protocol. Tinnitus is very serious-it's the start of the complete destruction of your ability to hear. Because the tinnitus completely destroys the nerve in your ear-which is connected to your brain. This extends into the brain and causes brain damage. Once nerve death occurs, you can't be helped.

  • For medical decisions to a taken away from patients and their families and placed in the hands of "experts" has been brewing for years and now is in overdrive. Countries that sign on to the WHO pandemic treaty will be completely captured. I documented thoroughly and extensively what happened to wife after she got sick, herself a doctor for 25 years. I DARE any health care professional to read our account. Help me spread my message. https://www.amazon.com/Quack-Attack-Medical-Brian-Kinney/dp/1800465157/ref=sr_1_3?crid=8CPAU7NURGQ9&keywords=quack+attack+book&qid=1682607438&sprefix=quack+attack+book%2Caps%2C291&sr=8-3

  • Pink is a man.