Owen Benjamin Talks PURE TRUTH posted by Taboo Conspiracy

1 year ago

This is a video that everyone needs to watch! Taboo Conspiracy is one of the best TRUTH channels on the internet! He's a smart guy who produces truthful content that seeks to educate the uneducated!

I highly recommend Taboo Conspiracy to everyone!
And I recommend following Owen Benjamin on GAB or BitChute too!

Folks... The time for calling people "Conspiracy Theorists" is OVER!
ALL "Conspiracy Theories" have been PROVEN TRUE already!

And everyone should know that the term itself was created by the #CIA to smear people speaking the TRUTH when it's inconvenient for government!

So just STOP IT!
Please swallow your PRIDE and listen to what these HONEST MEN are trying to tell you! Because it's the TRUTH! And you need to know the TRUTH!

I personally believe that the "Globe Earth" deception is the deception spoken of in the bible! A DELUSION sent forth by Yahuwah himself, to affect those who who refuse to listen the TRUTH of His word!

I was deceived by this delusion for 52 years of my life myself!
It required me to PRAY and ask for forgiveness AND asked to be "shown the truth" for me to ever see the reality of this grand deception myself!

Jesus told us in John 14
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

And buddy.... He means what he says!
I asked and HE DONE IT! Because Jesus NEVER LIES!

Now it's my DUTY to try to share this TRUTH with you!'
You are my brothers and sisters, and all I want for you is to know the TRUTH!
And to return to our Father and REPENT!

If you do that, everything I've done on this earth is worthwhile!
I'm asking you out of pure LOVE! Please use your eyes to SEE and your ears to HEAR this TRUTH! No matter how crazy you may think it sounds!

I have been shouting this TRUTH from the rooftops for 3 years now!
But people are so brainwashed, filled with Pride, and sure within their false "knowledge" that they simply won't listen!

The bible tells us in Proverbs 18 that :

13 He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.
14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?
15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

DON'T BE THAT FOOL, lost in the folly of MEN!

The original video: Owen Benjamin Talks Flat Earth - Re-uploaded

Owen Benjamin can be found on GAB at: https://gab.com/owenbenjamin and on Bitchute at: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/4J94LFGhjGce/

In the event my channel gets memory-holed by some authoritarian censor, you can find me elsewhere. Hopefully they won't get them all.

Rumble Channel: Texas Outlaw - https://rumble.com/c/c-1268692

Brighteon Channel: America at War - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/conservativethinker

BitChute Channel: ConservativeThinker - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZXtNxXBJURF4/

Odysee Channel: Outlaw Productions - https://odysee.com/@ConservativeThinkingAmerican:0

UgeTube Channel: Texas Outlaw - https://ugetube.com/@TexasOutlaw503

RoxyTube Channel: TexasOutlaw503 - https://roxytube.com/@TexasOutlaw503

Bastyon: TexasOutlaw - https://bastyon.com/TexasOutlaw

BrandNewTube Channel: TexasOutlaw503 - https://brandnewtube.com/channels/@TexasOutlaw503

Social Media

GAB: @TexasOutlaw503 - https://gab.com/TexasOutlaw503

Minds: @conservativethinking - https://www.minds.com/conservativethinking/

Xephula https://xephula.com/TexasOutlaw

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