Truth vs. The Truth: Follow the Money - part 2

1 year ago

Changing focus some here, I take a look at two paradigms of government control, Big Pharma and the Military-Industrial Complex, from a dollar standpoint, comparing them to another (less-emphasized) paradigm, Wall St. In this part I finish up on donation money and then move to Kim Iversen and her interview with RFK, Jr., to show how much the Big Pharma and these 60-year-old JFK-related paradigms of the MIC, CIA and FBI are relied upon in any socially-acceptable alternative narrative, and how that creates issues with something like RFK, Jr.'s defining of where the Democratic Party went wrong - the Dem's peak of New Leftism in 1972 with the McGovern nomination and landslide defeat by Nixon. and the 1992 election of Clinton that resulted in the Clinton Sellout and the creation of today's "neoliberal" Dem Party.

Speaking of poor confused Kim the neo-neo-Bircher, I will get to what I said I would next, another interesting attempt at elephant-dancing with truth.

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