ADAM 22 EXPOSED? .No Jumper, KING OF THE KULTURE VULTURES. A lot of allegations floating around.

1 year ago

Prior to the Tell The Truth Podcast I sat quietly. Just watched all the nonsense go on around me. You wanna know what I think about No Jumper? Well here it is. Allow me to Tell The Truth, what I believe to be the truth. I ain't Ever needed clout off someone else and ain't starting now. If this was about clout I would've just went on No Jumper. Gonna be a lot of mad youtubers and artist when it all comes out and it will JUST SIT BACK AND WAIT. It always come to light. The rise and fall of Adam 22 and No Jumper.
I want to make this clear, if I didn't believe in what I'm saying I wouldn't Say it. I take those allegations real serious. THIS IS BIGGER THAN NINO BROWN. DO YOU SWEAR TO TELL THE TRUTH SO HELP YOU GOD? YES I DO! SHOUT OUT TO EVERYONE THAT HASN'T BEEN AFRAID TO SPEAK ON THIS. YOUS KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

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