Was Hunter Biden Shtooping Antony Blinken's Wife?

1 year ago

Commentators are hinting stongly about it but your humble correspondent is going to come right out and ask what those listening to them must be thinking: Was Hunter Biden shtooping Antony Blinken's wife? We already know that during campaign 2020, Antony Blinken was so desperate to be named Secretary of State that he was willing demand that 51 intelligence officials flat out lie and declare Hunter Biden's laptop to be probably the result of Russian disinformation. That information was not all that surprising given Blinken's desperation. But was Blinken desperation so far along that he even consented to let his wife be shtooped by a sleazy crack addict with extremely unsanitary hygiene? Perhaps. I'll let you be the judge. If the answer is what I suspect it is, I sure hope Antony Blinken used powerful disinfectant to wipe away all traces of Hunter from his conjugal relationship although it might be impossible to eradicate the memory. Hope it was worth it, Antony!

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