Metatron, Michael and Sandalphon Transmission: Angelic Protection in the Three Worlds.

1 year ago

In shamanism there is the concept of the three worlds. The middle world is the world of physical reality, the world of relationships. The density of this world and our relationships is shifting as we move through the ascension process. The lower world is that of the elementals, nature spirits and of the ancestors. The lower world consists of an old grid of the 3D Earth and a crystalline grid of the New 5D Earth. The Upper World is the realm of angels, archangels, guides, star races, and ascended beings of light.

Each of these worlds contains various gifts yet each also contains potential interferences that need to be cleared. The upper world can contain interfering 4D beings in the astral planes. It can contain 'negative' timelines that need to be closed. The middle world contains incarnate beings of various intentions and vibrations. Currently the majority of these beings are not aligned with the light. The middle world potentially contains 'negative' projections and dense cords, The lower world contains elementals, nature spirits and ancestors. Some elementals have been harmed by human activity and do not feel kindly towards humanity. All 3D bloodlines tend to contain interfering energies and beings.

In this transmission we call on three Archangels and all angels working with them to protect us in each of the three worlds.

Music by Chris Collins. The track is called Beyond the Stars.

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