Learn how to become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #122 with the Brooklyn Crusher 4-23-23

1 year ago

I bowled 17 game in just over 2 hours. I was trying out the information I got from the Tom Frenzel bowling video. trying to get that BEST angle to the straight ball strike zone. I got 54 strikes & 57 nine pin hits with a 178 avg over 170 frames or 17 games. I think I need to loft the ball out a little farther then the arrows on the first board to get an even better angle.

I use a spiral black, blue & yellow 12lb fun ball polyester. loft it out to 12 to 13 feet on the first board at around 14 MPH with zero revs on its side but with more end of end I hope any way. still working on my feet stance at the foul line. I think I need to keep my front foot so its in the right gutter area behind the foul line. in this video I start out good but then I stagger step 6 to 8 board left & I think that's why I had a crummy 178 avg over 17 games in 2 hours??? maybe increase the MPH too. I'm allways open to suggestions but I think I'm on the right track now? I need to turn those 9's on my first ball to strikes. I mean the 57 frames I got 9 pins down & left 1 pin. it wasn't always the same pin either. all different pins.

Here is the video I watched showing that a straight ball from the foul line can only get a 1.5 degree angle where as the hook ball can be up to 10 degree angle but 6 degrees is the BEST angle. A hook ball has a 4 times greater chance of striking then a straight ball does even at the best straight ball angle this is why ALL pro-bowlers throw the hook ball besides the hook ball looks way COOLER. its episode 6 Entry Angle & Carry percentage with Tom Frenzel & The Robot arm Earl over .75 million throws & many 900 series's (I guess named after THE GOD of bowling the late Great Earl Anthony) who died falling down his own steps at home when DRUNK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPJNqGjR88Q&list=PLpQHTQWk6TN8LJqy-nvxU9w3PGBkW3j1w today is 4-26-23

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