New Order of Barbarians - audio with images & Dutch subtitles

1 year ago

In 1969, Dr. L. Richard Day, a professor of paediatrics, made a speech that broke the records. Listener Dr. Lawrence Dunagen describes the Orwellian prophecy (1989) he was told has come true. Find these audio recordings, called "New Order of Barbarians" at (length 04h14m41s).

This video contains parts of this story, with images and Dutch subtitles, broadcasted in Holland by the famous alternative media commentator Robert Jensen, during 4 of his recent "birthday shows" - i cut all story parts (which don't show Robert Jensen himself) and put them together.
Video: "De Jensen Show", episodes "Verjaardagsshow" #559 #560 #561 #562 at
2023@ArtFlow - all rights respected

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Here's the first part of that article :


In 1932, Aldus Huxley wrote the famed literature Brave New World, describing humanity’s ignorant enslavement to an establishment primarily focused on exploiting labour. In the novel, the world is governed by 10 world controllers, who have successfully replaced the family unit with ‘state hatcheries’ and condemned everyone to hard labour relieved by sex and drugs.

A little over a decade later, Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, wrote 1984, a novel similarly warning that humanity would eventually fall under the arms of an establishment controlling all aspects of information, media and production.

Huxley, who was once a teacher to Orwell at the elitist Eton College, wrote to Orwell praising his work, but criticising that his piece was the more accurate prediction:

”Within the next generation, I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

…“I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World.”

However great, familiarity has already been achieved with Huxleys Brave New World and Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four, and it is time to put them to rest. A thew decades later, a greater prophecy arose, one of great detail and minuscule representation.

"Off The Record" Remarks

Prophets and conspiracy groups have long believed in the prophecy of a one-world government. They claim progression in the past century has revealed and silenced those who claim to expose it. Although, plans for the end game seem to have slowly unveiled, with public documents such as the UN’s Agenda 21 and the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ matching such profecies. Other revelations, however, have come out from whistleblowers aiming to warn the public.

Perhaps one most accurate whistleblower would be that of Dr Richard L. Day.

In 1988, Lawrence Dunagen, a paediatrician from Mt. Lebanon took to the tapes to explain a meeting he attended on the 20th of March 1969 lead by Dr Richard Day, a professor of paediatrics at Pittsburgh university, and a future director at Planned Parenthood.

In the tapes, which were recorded by Randy Engel, Lawrence claimed that Dr Richard Day made “off the record” remarks of a plan for humanity.

According to Dr Dunagen, before the meeting could begin, Day asked all members to switch off all tape recorders and put away any notes. Lawrence said: ”Something in his remarks suggested that there could be negative repercussions against him if it became widely known what was about to say to our group”.

The three tapes, which consisted of one hour-long segments, have since been groundbreaking prophecies, describing topics including population control, the internet, computers, promotion of homosexuality, legalisation of abortion, microchipping, cashless society, pornography, sex, individual security, education, religion, and much more.

Dunegan began with: ”The speaker was not looking from the outside in, thinking that he saw conspiracy, rather, he was on the inside, admitting that, indeed, there was an organized power, force, group of men, who wielded enough influence to determine major events involving countries around the world. And he predicted, or rather expounded on, changes that were planned for the remainder of this century.”

So far, many of Lawrence’s claims have come true, bringing serious consideration to whether there truly is some global conspiracy.

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