HOLD UP! Adventist Pastor Says Catholics and Protestants Are WHAT?! | Clip 8

1 year ago

In this clip, pastor of State Line SDA Church (@statelinesda2193) and Oakwood University professor Dr. Isaac Olatunji (@ProjectLatterRain) claims all sorts of conspiracy regarding Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches claiming it is all explicitly clear from Revelation. Is it, though? Three former Adventist's discuss

Watch the full stream here: https://www.youtube.com/live/hCCDPdkBfi8?feature=share

Panelists: Myles Christian, Pastor EJ Lauriston (@PastorThunder) and CMB the Ambassador (@cmbtheambassador5773)

Video in review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xGl0xUr2zY

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