League of Legends: Ranked - Lulu - Placement Match Game 7 of 10

1 year ago

Fiora vs Camille
Graves vs Evelyn
Fizz vs Gangplank
Varus vs Xayah
Shen vs Lulu

0:00 Start
Started Q instead of E. ARAM habits XD.

1:10 First Blood
Graves just walked into 3 of us and we got first blood. Didn't mean to take it but Xayah was taunted so he might have gotten away.

3:30 Shen Flash Taunt
Don't think Xayah could have avoided that. I should have polyed Varus maybe or no chance of saving.

5:30 All lanes were dying
Not a good sign haha.

8:00 Water Drake Fight
Evelyn was asking for backup but Xayah wouldn't give up the cs probably because we are down so much. Maybe we shouldn't have bothered to try stealing it. Eveyln was off like 30 hp then 1 hp. Close.

Xayah just gave up around mid game and was farming bot for most of the game.

I played pretty poorly as well but I kept trying to see if we can get some kills back =).

26:30 Graves Finish
In the end Graves just finished us off haha.

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