SupremeCourtOfLawUSA-PhoneConference41-2023April24 TrialByJury-Details-Mechanics-EnergizedDiscussion

1 year ago

This is a Very Energized Discussion.
We Discuss Nuts & Bolds of our Common-Law Jurisdiction "Trial By Jury" Process.

Lots of this process is obscure, & has been subjected to subversive propaganda which makes it seem more complicated than it actually is.

This Assembly of Patriots Energetically Deep-Dives in-to Studying this Lawful Path-way for Bringing Justice to Smaller Communities of People.

We are Setting the Stage for Minimizing the Dangers Inherent in Rightous People Confronting Criminally-Corrupted Holders of Government-Offices.

Here-by, We Are "Exhausting the Path-way of Peace".

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