Genomics expert discovers concerning contents in COVID vaccine vials

1 year ago

Apr 20, 2023

Kevin Mckernan Website:

Former research and development leader at the Human Genome Project has taken citizen science into his own hands to learn more about what exactly lurks in the vials of the novel COVID-19 injections.

Kevin McKernan holds a bachelor of science with specified training in pharmacology, toxicology and biomedical engineering. As the former research & development (R&D) lead at the Human Genome Project, he has pioneered work in the field of genome sequencing for the last 30 years.

McKernan previously joined Rebel News to discuss the censoring of his paper titled, “Difference in vaccine and SARS-COV-2 Replication derived mRNA: Implications for cell biology and future disease,” which basically found unstable codon optimization – an academic term which means that it remains unknown what the mRNA in these injections prompts your own cells to make.

Another unknown was what exactly the vial contents of these novel injections were, until now.

McKernan has independently discovered the SV-40 promoter in certain manufacturers' vials.

The monkey-derived simian virus 40 (SV40) was part of Salk's polio vaccine controversy in the 1950s after it was discovered that polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40, an infectious pathogen known to cause a whole host of cancers.

McKernan says that he stumbled on this work by accident.

“We were doing a lot of RNA sequencing on cannabis plants and something stopped working,” he says. After reaching out to the scientific community for assistance, someone sent him four vials of expired COVID-19 vaccine – two bivalent Moderna vials and two Pfizer vials.

“I paused for a minute thinking that I don’t necessarily want this but it turns out they were perfect controls to solve the problem that I was trying to address… in the process of troubleshooting that, we spiked those molecules into our RNA sequencing process and out came deep sequence overage of the vaccines. What we didn’t expect to find was all of the blueprints to make the vaccines, which were also in the vials, the DNA expression vectors which make these vaccines were contaminating the RNA that was supposed to be in the vials so at that point we knew that we had to put it out to the public because although it wasn’t something we set out to discover, we knew that someone else would care about it.”

McKernan’s team of researchers further went back to “torture” the vials with four technologies to zero in on the amount of DNA in the shots.

“The important thing for regulators to know is that no one technology gives you the answer. All four of [the technologies] are needed because we’re dealing with something that we’re not used to dealing with in this space – these modified RNA’s behave differently than we’d expect,” he says.

Another concerning discovery was the finding of an SV-40 promoter in the vials, which was not disclosed by the manufacturers.

Peden is Chief of the Laboratory of DNA Viruses in the Division of Viral Products, Office of Vaccines Research and Review, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA. His research focus aims to address safety issues associated with cell substrates used in vaccine production.

As per the European Medical Authority (EMA), the ratio of allowable double-stranded DNA is approximately “1 DNA molecule for every 3,030 RNA molecules so they want a ratio of less than 1 in 3000. And the FDA has looser guidelines and recommendations and everything we’ve looked at so far is above these numbers which implies that manufacturing is not being held to traditional standards and these integration risks are higher.”

This means that one step in the path to genome integration has been bypassed, if double stranded DNA is being injected.

Although McKernan clarifies that this does not necessarily mean that it is integrating, there is research coming out showing that the virus does in fact integrate into the genome.

“I think [the authors] really nailed that cold,” says McKernan. “What they haven’t found is whether the vaccine is doing that. They tried to emulate those conditions with some other RNAs but that’s not the same as these shots that have RNA and DNA together so we’re left with some unknowns as to whether this can integrate.”

While McKernan focuses on the laboratory work and quantification, he notes that this research has been replicated by independent researchers in Europe, and hopes others will utilize PCR assays to do the same.

It appears that “trusting the science” means that one did so with many unknowns, the fallout and repercussions of which may remain unidentifiable, perhaps for years to come.

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