Target The Social Media Platform Your Clients Use

1 year ago

Hi, I am Aaron Avila, CEO/Founder of Stroke TV Media.
I have been serving the stroke survivor community for eight years.

I have heard many times from content masters like Sean Cannell CEO of Think Media (Sean's Company Website
Create content on the Social Media Platform your target market lives.
Simple right?
Well, it's only taken this stroke survivor years to understand this simple, yet powerful business strategy.
You see, over the past eight years I have known my stroke community lives on Facebook yet feeling YouTube was a more powerful platform, I put my energy and marketing efforts on my Stroke TV Media YouTube Channel. WRONG!
My stroke community uses and lives on Facebook.
So this Stroke Of Genius Show Survivor Experience I am making every effort to promote my show on Facebook instead of trying to get my community to cross platform over to what I perceived as the better platform YouTube.
This was the absolute wrong way of thinking!

For years I have been increasingly frustrated with not attracting more audience members to my weekly live Stroke Of Genius Survivor and Executive Experience Shows.

Why was my marketing not working? Because I was marketing my stroke survivors on the wrong social media platform.

So realizing my marketing flaw, this weeks show with stroke survivor guest Brooke Allen, I have used the Restream feature of creating a Facebook Event Page and really marketing my show on Facebook

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Wow! What an explosion of audience engagement I have been receiving!

I am so impressed with the significant change in engagement, from now on I will be marketing 95% of my marketing efforts on my Wednesday Survivor Experience Show on Facebook and my Executive Experience Show on LinkedIn.

Here is tomorrows Survivor Experience Show on Facebook

Tomorrows Show link on Facebook

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