🚨DTTV 154🚨 – Lawyer Discusses Poland’s Parks, Immigration Laws, & How They Help Their Families…

1 year ago

This video shows illegal immigrants attacking a border point between Belarus and Poland and being driven back by Polish Police & Military. This is something you would never ever see in North America and that leads into my second episode from my trip to Poland where we will talk about a number of things that would never be legal in Canada but are legal in Poland or things that you’d never see in Canada that I am seeing in Poland that I thought viewers might be interested in hearing about.

⚠️This site and its information are not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Please consult a lawyer for advice about your individual situation. Feel free to get in touch by email or phone.⚠️

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👉🏻 Link A- https://youtu.be/QoGJkZCoLr8

👉🏻 Link B - https://youtu.be/DnJbhzozezk

👉🏻 Link C - https://youtu.be/VxIMSUF3F8Y

👉🏻 Don’t Talk Television Episode 150 - Matt Walsh’s Recent Comments, How We Lost the Culture War, & How We Get It Back…

👉🏻 https://youtu.be/IR8YHWetDts

👉🏻 Lemur Rope Park, Augustow Poland - https://lemurpark.pl/

Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

Thumbnail - https://lemurpark.pl/park-linowy/augustow

A 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc ) for his public relations, editing, and promotional services.

#Poland #Parks #Law

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