Malindi Cult In Recent Contact With Main Sect of the Message - SPECIAL UPDATE

1 year ago

News media in Kenya have released additional photographs of the library of William Branham transcripts that were confiscated when the Malindi cult was raided and Paul Mackenzie arrested, and those images have revealed some startling new information. While many people in William Branham's "Message" cult of personality have tried to distance themselves from what is yet another radicalized preacher by claiming that he was not in contact with others in the cult, the photos suggest otherwise.

The more recent photographs of the books published by Spoken Word Publications and distributed by Voice of God Recordings in Jeffersonville, Indiana, are much clearer and the covers are more visible. Some of the books do appear to date back to the 1970s, but others appear to be much, much newer. Based on the styles and color schemes of the covers, it appears that the Malindi cult has been in contact with the main sect of the "Message" sometime within the last ten years. This is after the group was founded, confirming that Paul Mackenzie's sect was radicalized from the main sect of WIlliam Branham's "Message" cult of personality.

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