What is Underwriting?

1 year ago

Bridgetown's first investment in the State of Arizona: 93 units in Tucson.

We did this with partners. We've formed wonderful relationships with mentors and partners in the states where we operate. Collaborating with partners is a powerful way to achieve any goal.

How about you? What partnerships have worked well in your career?

Want to dig further into underwriting? The Nashville Multifamily Meetup Group invited me to present on the topic, and your can playback the session here:

ROIClear is the video podcast for business leaders.
Created in the USA. Connected with the world.
ROIClear celebrates capitalism.
When good people conduct business,
everybody wins.

ROIClear: https://ROIClear.com
Bridgetown Partners: https://BridgetownPartners.com
Ray Hightower: https://RayHightower.com


Note: ROI Clear is written without spaces: ROIClear.

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