Jordan Maxwell Explains Birth Certificates and Masonic Courts

1 year ago

Who-ever made this video put the symbol of the A.i.Luciferian, man-made fake-god at the end. This likely means a Luciferian made this video and is produced to mock the sheople as their NWO replaces the Old World Order which Maxwell describes to you.

What Luciferians do not realize is that the precious soul-fragment which is birthed into physical existence(manifesting from the spiritual)... either grows or decays by choices through the probabilities. The Source-Self provides a life-long blueprint for a successful soul-fragment life The soul-fragment gets one multidimensional attempt through the infinite probabilities to grow the soul-fragment into a worthy soul which may then graduate into a worthy entity-personality... or the soul-fragment murderously and self-righteously decays their soul-fragment towards an eternal oblivion within their chosen spiritual-box for the unworthy. It is said that not many soul-fragments graduate. The murderous are the lowest grades in the class yet most demanding. Freemasons and Mystery School Cult minions typically participate in murderous activity not realizing that the Creator-God wants each soul-fragment to show true-colors. There is no need for punishment in the afterlife... Just acceptance of being a failed, murderour thUg amougst other worthy souls which can't help but show pity, yet some can't even accept their failure in the afterlife. I can imagine the long living Homo capensis thUgs (still existing upon Earth) have the hardest of times accepting their failed lives. Look at those ancient, elaborate "Egyptian" tombs Homo capensis had their slave make for them. Those were the failed murderous soul-fragments that shriveled-up severely. Born-again-Luciferians and Freemasons still hide Homo capensis from the sheople.

To learn more you will likely need to study the Sethbooks from All-That-Is. The satan-race are not immortal and there is no soul-transfer nor A.i. mind-uploads. Homo capensis will decay their soul-fragments away just like genocidal Luciferian minions and others not in their wicked Cult of thUgs but chooses a life of murder. The choice is always for the individual to make. Nothing else can destroy a soul-fragment except one's self.

Now back to this video: This same A.i. fake-god symbol is used by world government to show the Covid-19 "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" model.

Dr. Sean Hross shows this symbol of A.i.Lucifer on the sides of Swizz buildings: Switzerland is the "Refuge" for Knights Templar, apparently.

Justinian Deception from Australia had this to say about birth tickets:

Victor Beck said this about birth cert:

Lucierians and Freemasons think they are winning a war against the sheople as they self-righteously destroy their own soul-fragments which they cannot sell to anyone let alone some satan-race of old devils. The Creator-God allows the soul-fragment to become murderous as a choice to becoming unworthy of Godliness and thus will need to be spiritually boxed-up in the afterlife... after physical death

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