He sends messengers to us all (The tenant farmers Matthew 21:33-45, Mark 12:1-12)

1 year ago

He sends messengers to us all (The tenant farmers Matthew 21:33-45, Mark 12:1-12)
There are times at the mines when I must step out of the realm of my normal job and fill in at another position. Sometimes I must dispatch and when you dispatch there are certain regulations or law that you must follow. One of these laws is that you can never give advanced notification to miners when an inspector is on property and is about to begin their inspection. The reason for this law is that advance notification allows workers to correct violations or stop inappropriate behavior before the inspector reaches their working section. State and Federal agencies want to view the work area as it would be on a typical day to see that state and federal guidelines are being followed. In the parable of the tenant farmers Jesus says that the owner of the vineyard sent many messengers to the workers of the vineyard explaining what the owner wanted and expected of them. They refused to hear every single one of them and even refused to hear the owner’s son, as they killed him. We have a loving God who is always willing to send messengers and warnings to those who is about to have wrath fall upon them.
God is still sending messengers today, warning individuals that they will be held accountable for the lives they are living. In the past God sent prophets, His son, and the apostles. In modern times, He uses His church to be His messengers to warn the world that Jesus will be returning to judge their lives. Will you be like the wicked tenant farmers and reject the messengers that God sends your way, or will you welcome the message of hope that they deliver. Will you get angry and upset when someone tells you what God expects of you and the way He has planned for you to escape the judgement, or will you gladly accept it? When your neighbor invites you to church will you make up an excuse as to why you cannot make it, or will you accept the invitation? If you are reading this blog then consider this an attempt of God to reach you before it is too late, we are one of the many messengers sent by God to try and get your attention before there is no hope. God is kind and loving towards all of His creation and His sincere desire is that we all come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and never taste death, this is why He sends messengers to get our attention before it is too late.

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