Insanity And Justice!

1 year ago

I know some of my viewers may not like some of the opinions shared in this video but it doesn't change my mind. We all deserve the right to exist in this world and as long as you are not harming innocent people I don't really care what you do to yourself or with your time. America is a multicultural country and it has worked for us in the beginning because no matter what your faith or culture was we all followed the laws put into place that allowed us to coexist. We are all allowed our opinions and beliefs as long as they harm none. Some may argue that other cultures and faiths are full of too much hate and they attack others because of it. I would say the extremists do. True Christians believe homosexuality and transgenderism is a sin but you don't see them going out and murdering people over it. Instead like rational people they discuss the matter and spread logic and reason to ears that can hear. I believe that anyone from any faith or culture that wants to help humanity will do so in a reasonable manner. I believe there are elements of truth in all faiths and cultures, the hard part is separating the truth from the bullshit in order to get a better understanding.

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