Winner winner chicken dinner with 14 kills

1 year ago

Don't start the game with a mindset of getting more kills, but start the game with the mindset of surviving.
First get ready with guns and all at first. So, jump at some place with less popularity so that at first you can gather all the things you need then start killing.
Don't hesitate to engage. If you are always afraid of getting killed then you are done for the game. Don't be afraid to engage. Create a strategy and start shooting.
When you will be within top 10 circle
Always stay within the circle and that will be always the first priority when the circle is getting smaller.
Don't engage if you see other player shooting. First try to figure out the location of all players.
If you are playing solo then it's okay to engage but if you're playing in team always stick to team and before engaging alert the other team mates about the location of enemy.
Last but not least. When you are in the top 5 circle, drink energy drinks and always keep the yellow mark full

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