The Punishment of Leviathan! Part 1 End Time Judgments!

1 year ago

The Lord has come with this SWORD!!! Judgment is here!! Keep looking up!! Repent and stay in MUST have the Holy Spirit to HEAR the guiding of the Lord!

First and foremost, this depicts Jesus in His death, being in the “Belly of the earth for three days.” The sea is a depiction of the nations of the world, meaning Gentiles. Fish are typically a picture of individual believers. But what swallowed Jonah was a GREAT FISH, in whose belly he was for three days.

Who has had Jesus primarily all to themselves for 2,000 years? The Church! We are the ones who have fed on or “Swallowed” Jesus for 2,000 years. Are we filled with the Holy Spirit? YES!!!…..and Jonah’s name in Hebrew, “Ionah,” means “Dove.” Now the Holy Spirit lives in US, those that hear him, follow him and allow him to lead our lives!

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