christian moms christian worldview

1 year ago

Christian moms with a Biblical worldview today have a bigger battle than moms of yesterday. The culture is out to attack our children and we must be prepared in a way that our own mothers were not.

This is why I'm on a mission to encourage moms to learn and incorporate apologetics and Christian history into their discipleship of their kids.

I didn't learn this stuff growing up. Thankfully, my faith stayed in tact, but plenty of people I know are not in the same boat. But here's what we know:

- Evidence shows that Jesus was a real man who walked the Earth
- He died on the Cross and was buried in a tomb
- He was seen by over 500 people and multiple times by the Disciples after He rose from the grave.
- Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies perfectly
- The Bible is more historically documented (by far) than ANY other historical document, including those we take for granted as true.

Those are just a few of the things we can begin teaching our kids and setting them up to see the truth with. More importantly, pray for truth and discernment to be on their hearts as they grow and learn!

➡️➡️ Grab 10 Faith Tips for Moms PDF download at
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