WAR ROOM-4/25/23-PASTOR JOHN AMANCHUKWU Author of ERACED, Founder of the ERACED Project

1 year ago

PASTOR JOHN AMANCHUKWU: We are engaging in spiritual warfare. This is demonic, it's evil, it's satanic. Satan has spread his lies. We see that the Democratic party is intentionally trying to groom our children, pervert our children, indoctrinate our children. They're pushing intersectionality and critical race theory. We've moved far away from reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the focus today is indoctrination.
So I've launched a campaign called The Erased Project, and I'm calling on men in particular, but even women, but men in particular, to stand up and go to local school boards around the country and give them the what for and expose what's taken place in our public schools.

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