The Mystery School Cult Always Used Wars and Famin To Maintain Power Over Populations

1 year ago

A setup for famin and war is seen everywhere and the Freemasons will try to make this the last one before the NWO-takeover can succeed with a North American police-state.

The monarchies and secret societies have always regulated the sheople psychologically and kept populations in check and growing.

This video, investigates the same thing just as the NWO technocracy, brainchip-hivemind controlled society replaces the old world order of religion and war controls.

I looks like CCP of China is preparing their citizens for the final war to establish the world wide control of the global governance model.

As the brainchipped-puppet-preacher has told you the NWO agenda to provide this war of big hippos... it is not prophesy... it is Homo capensis(the sheepherders') agenda2020-2030.

Homo capensis:

Freemasons hide their ancient masters who still live today and provide their brainchip-hivemind technology:

Dont become another bio-robot:

Expect another arranged war and the invasion of the USA is the NWO logical fast-track. The NWO Freemasons running the USA will backstab their people by sneaking and hiding the invasion of North America while shutting down all communications, the non-Cult-sworn people will not be able to organize a resistance... it is that simple when traitors run the country... so get your troops back into your US borders.


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