The Chinese comrades are showing character.

1 year ago

The Chinese comrades are showing character.

In short, they are now trolling the States, defiantly showing videos, with a green laser beam from a satellite, into the ocean.

This is quite an interesting technology, the detection of American strategists under water in the wake. When the submarine sailed, it mixes the layers of water, and these changes become visible in the optics, which looks at the reflections of the beam. And the color chosen is one that allows you to penetrate as deep as possible into the water column.

In addition, now boats are still effectively found by analyzing this trace on the surface, using very sensitive thermal imagers, layers of different temperatures give changes on the surface. Plus, aviation with magnetometric sensors can detect a massive metal body. And plus longwave acoustic systems, which are very effective, even against black holes.

Tar. In our Navy, there is practically none of this. Honey is not provided.

And the Chinese comrades are great, they are trying.

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